
Snap #13: Cracks on the surface of old, weathered stump.
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Snap #12: Rows of glowing skee-ball games at Dave & Busters.
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Snap #11: Colorful lily in full bloom with raindrops covering its petals.
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Snap #10: Cloudscape - Whispy white clouds against a deep blue sky.
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Snap #9: Raindrops - Closeup of rain droplets covering green maple leaves.
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Snap #8: Hay House - The Hay House is a magnificent historical landmark in the heart of Macon, Georgia. Construction began in 1855 and was completed in 1859. The house was recognized as a National Historic Landmark in 1974. It covers an area of 16,000 square feet and comprises 24 principal rooms.
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Snap #7: Saucer Magnolia - Large blooms on saucer magnolia (tulip magnolia) tree in Coleman Hill Park. It's one of the most popular flowering trees in the United States.
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Snap #6: Pink Sorrel - Delicate and vibrant pink sorrel blooms growing along the edge of our driveway.
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Snap #5: Amerson Park - View of the Ocmulgee River from the Porter Pavilion overlook at Amerson Park.
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Snap #4: Cicadas - I saw dozens of cicadas on the road while walking this morning. They are fascinating little creatures.
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Snap #3: Honeysuckle—Several large patches of honeysuckle grow around our neighborhood. I love the way they smell.
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Snap #2: Yellow Butterweed - The fields at Amerson Park are covered with these bright yellow flowers.
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Snap #1: Matchbox Cars - I found this table full of old Matchbox cars at a local yard sale.
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